What is Resistance? While it might feel like a monkey on your back, it’s actually the force that keeps you down. monkey-on-your-backI looked up the definition and the one sentence that really stood out was “force opposing another force”. I see this all the time in my work with clients! There is the part of You that wants to bravely move forward, courageously stepping into the unknown for the sake of something bigger than yourself.

And then there is the opposing force, the part of You that would much rather stay cozy and warm inside your comfort zone and not venture out into the darkness. I mean who can blame you, I LIKE being cozy and warm and comfortable! Don’t You??

BUT – the key to your success, well-being and satisfaction, ACTUALLY lies OUTSIDE of your comfort zone. I know it seems contradictory… the tricky part is the stretching to expand your comfort zone to create a bigger bolder version of yourself.

The stretching part is where the discomfort is – kind of like when you were a kid and your bones were growing so fast it hurt sometimes. But the result, was a taller more fabulous version of yourself right?! Once you’ve stretched then you get to stand in this new place, this new brighter, more courageous version of yourself and get used to it for awhile – until your soul quietly (or not so quietly) taps you on the shoulder and asks you to stretch yet again! (BTW, this stretching is never ending!)

Here’s a great example….

I am NOT a morning person. I really do not like getting up at 5:30am to go be at boot camp with all my peeps and my trainer Mitch Rothbardt… BUT, once I’m there and I’ve gotten my body moving, I’m really glad I showed up. (Sometimes it takes a lot to leave the warmth of my cozy bed but, I’ve mentally made the choice that the reward is greater than my resistance to it, so up and out I go).

NOW, my body actually falls asleep sooner in the evening (all it’s own) so I can easily get up at 5:30 to go work out. I’m happier and healthier for it.

Et Voila! A new empowering habit is formed.

Here are some of the ways resistance has derailed my tribe of Inspired Leaders…

How does your resistance show up? I’d love to know!

Hit reply and let me know what are the things that you’ve been struggling with that trigger your resistance holding you back. I read all my emails personally.

Looking for a daily burst of Inspiration? You can always find something to lift you up on my Facebook page.

Warm Regards,


“Someday” Starts NOW. Unlock the Power of YOU.


PS. My Next Upcoming Talk will be on December 4th at 5pm PT/8pm ET.

I’ll be a guest on the Career Resume Consulting monthly webinar with Founder, Tammy Kabel!
If you’re looking to get your next six-figure job in weeks, not months, then Tammy is the expert you want to call. She’s an executive career consultant Rockstar!
We’ll be discussing how to bring your best self and authentic leadership style to your current role or to your next career move.

Mark you calendars! We’ll be sending out the registration details soon.
You’ll be able to listen in via phone or your computer, or get the download if you can’t make the live broadcast.


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