I joined  Pleasance Silicki from lil omm life academy as a guest on the LOLA Community Podcast where we discussed rewiring your brain to boost confidence. I think that you will enjoy listening to the different ways that your mindset impacts your confidence. You can listen in on our conversation using the embedded player below.

Pleasance Silicki, M.S.ED., is a Mother, Ayurvedic Lifestyle Coach, Author, Speaker, Podcaster, Holistic Health Coach, Group Facilitator and an Enneagram Type 4.

She teaches from the foundations of evidence -based, Positive Psychology and integrates psycho-spiritual science with the Yogic and Ayurvedic wisdom traditions.

She is the founder of THRIVE, an online self-care class and community and LOLA an academy for women’s leadership, stress management and life design. Pleasance is the author of Delight: 8 Principles for Living with Joy And Ease, published in 2016 and the host of the LOLA Community Podcast.

As founder of lil omm yoga studio, the Co- Founder of The National Kids Yoga Conference and Septima Clark Public Charter School, Pleasance is passionate about bringing well being into a variety of communities.

She has taught Mindful Explorations at The George Mason University and Strategies in Stress Management at The American University. She facilitates Mind- Body Medicine Skills Groups, Stress Management and Self-Care workshops and retreats to a variety of individuals, groups and organizations. She lives in Washington, DC with her elderly dog, introverted husband and two delicious children.

In this episode:

You can see the original post HERE

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