5 Keys to Unlocking Your Leadership Part 3 of 6
This is the 3rd post in my series to give you the Keys to Unlocking Your Power and Presence as a Woman Leader. What’s needed to create better work-life balance and well-being so you can shine more brightly? Here is the second step you need to know in order to expand your power and presence […]
5 Keys to Unlocking Your Leadership – Part 2 of 6
This is the 2nd post in my series to give you the Keys to Unlocking Your Power and Presence as a Woman Leader. What’s needed to create better work-life balance and well-being so you can shine more brightly? Here is step one that you need to know in order to expand your power and presence […]
5 Keys to Unlocking Your Leadership – Part 1 of 6
In today’s high tech and global economy, mastering your craft isn’t enough to guarantee success. Top female corporate leaders are very good at what they do. But, there is something more that they do to stand out. The intangibles make them shine. It’s their power and presence that radiates from within that gets your attention […]
Are You Leading with Clarity or Confusion?
With the new year quickly approaching, it also means it’s time to take a look back so you can move forward more powerfully. As a women leader, I know it’s hard to juggle all the different important things that are tugging at your time and attention. Take some time to create the clarity you need to move forward effectively into the new year.
ART is Leadership
I Believe that we each have the capacity to be leaders in our own unique ways. Leading not only from your brilliance and expertise but also from your heart and spirit. This is your expression of ART – Your Authentic Real Talent. “What area of your life is calling for your ART right now ?
What’s Left in the Wake of Your Leadership Style?
In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, there is a lot of destruction and chaos going on in the North East. It has been devastating to watch as so much has washed away with the rain, snow and powerful winds. My thoughts and prayers go out to all those effected by the storm as she continues to […]
Recognizing the Star Leadership Qualities of your Team
I just returned from a terrific trip to Chicago where I was asked to speak at the Annual Meeting for the SSATB and their members from across the United States and Canada, with admission directors from all over the world as well. It was an exciting mix of individuals, all dedicated to helping students succeed and schools thrive.
What IS Inspired Leadership?
And why is it in such great demand today? I believe that the old structures and ways of being are starting to fall away. People are more and more dissatisfied with the status quo and are looking for positive change. And while there are many who have the ability to be inspired leaders, not all are willing to take the […]
Working with Educators~
Over the last 7+ years, I’ve had the pleasure to work with a fantastic team at RT Fisher Educational Enterprises. Part of my work with them over the last year has been to help launch The Educators’ Institute – a full service professional development training center in downtown Oakland, CA. Because of my work with […]
The Gift of Your Presence
We seem to be in a period of transition – both personally and professionally – as individuals and as a nation. We mourn the loss of friends, family, icons and heros; as well as old ways of doing and ways of being that no longer serve us. Yet, on the other side of transition is […]