“Commitment is the only thing that gets you through the chasm. Commitment takes you from “that’s a fine idea” to “it’s done.” Commitment is risky, because if you fail, it’s on you. On the other hand, without commitment, you will fail. Because art unshipped isn’t art.”
There will ALWAYS be chasms in life that we each need to cross, especially as leaders.
Big and Small.
Mental and Emotional.
Physical and Spiritual.
You know what I’m talking about – the chasms that make you second guess yourself, makes your voice quiver and your confidence waver. All the while you’re trying to look cool as a cucumber on the outside. These giant leaps can trigger all sorts of fears and doubts that can leave you spinning in circles or lost in a fog, not knowing what to do to get to where you want to go, even though you really, really want to get there.
And when you’re standing on the edge of the precipice, looking out across the chasm, it can be really daunting and scary as you wonder:
“How the heck am I going to get across this?”
“What steps do I take?”
“What’s needed to build a bridge across to the other side?”
Well, I feel ya – I’ve certainly been there and I’m sure many others have been there too as some point in their lives.
That’s where commitment is needed most! Committing yourself to your values, your goals and your dreams is one sure way to get you across and moving forward.
Will it be challenging – sure! But, I know that you’re creative, resourceful and brilliant and you’ll find a way to get where you want to go.
The key is focusing on the end goal. Look to where you want to go, letting your natural abilities and intuition kick in. Your inner guide is really powerful if you allow yourself to listen to it and trust where it is pointing you. As you listen, the steps will unfold before you, then you have to take the action steps necessary to get yourself where you want to go.
It’s human nature to get stuck and stopped by our fears as we take on new challenges big and small. And those fears can certainly cloud our vision or reduce our ability to hear our inner wisdom. But you know the saying: “If there’s a will, there’s a way!” If you’re determined and tenacious enough, you’ll find the way to achieve your goals and become the leader you know you can be.
Today’s Pondering Questions: What’s the one goal that might scare the begeebies outta you but you’d be thrilled to achieve it? What’s One Step that you are willing to commit to today to reach that goal?
Be sure to hit reply and let me know! (When you share your goal with someone else, it helps to bring it to light and life more quickly!)
If you’d like a helping hand to assist you in crossing that chasm, then contact me to schedule your complimentary ‘Authentic Leadership’ strategy session.
Warm regards,
“Someday” Starts Now. Unlock the Power of YOU.
PS: Here are the dates for my upcoming talks in the
San Francisco Bay Area:
(Click on the links for more information)
SaturdayFeb 15th 9:30-11:30am |
American Business Women’s Association “3 Keys to Reclaiming Your Time & Unleashing Your Genius” |
El Cerrito, CA |
Saturday Mar 29th 9am-3:00pm |
“Become The Leader People Want To Follow” |
Walnut Creek, CA |