“Ebb and Flow of the Tides”  Copyright Michele Molitor 2012
“Ebb and Flow of the Tides” Copyright Michele Molitor 2012

Life is an ebb and flow. Like the tides that come in and out…

Everything in nature expands and contracts – it’s a part of the natural cycle of things.  This includes us as human beings too.  We can only expand for so long before we have to contract, regroup our energy and ideas so that we can go back out into the world in bigger bolder ways.

So after a short reprieve, I’m back – ready to expand out into the world again in bigger bolder ways.  The last few months I’ve been quietly working away as I reconfigured some aspects of my work and let go of things which were no longer calling me.

As I move forward into a new fall season, the focus of my business has shifted and I wanted to share that with you.  My coaching work has always included leadership development – helping busy executives and business owners work smarter, not harder while empowering their teams to be their best.  I will be focusing more of my time in this area, while still providing some business consulting as well.

I am also expanding to include working with educational leadership teams. I have been working with an organization over the last six years called California GEAR UP – a federally funded program that helps develop “College Going Cultures” at low-income middle schools around the country.  This program works directly with the adults – teachers, administrators and parents – to expand awareness, understanding and the necessary tools that make it possible for our students to gain the rigorous academic curriculum needed to be eligible for and get accepted into college.

I am excited to be delving more deeply into my work with CA GEAR UP, with a new expanded role as “School Services Coach”. Working directly with the leadership teams of six schools here in the San Francisco Bay area, I will be helping to guide, coach and help them coordinate the many activities these schools will be engaging in to expand college awareness and get the students excited about their future at college.

Additionally, I am stretching further out onto the speakers circuit to inspire and empower leaders nationally to be their best! My next public engagement will be September 20th and 21st in Chicago, IL at the Annual Meeting of Secondary School Assessment Test Board (SSATB), an organization of independent school admission officers from the United States and Canada.

Whether I get to work with you one-on-one or you hear me speak at one of my upcoming talks in Chicago or elsewhere, I look forward to being of service to you, helping you expand your gifts and talents out into the world!

To Your Success~



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