As we all continue to ride the rollercoaster of today’s economy and business climate, it’s easy to get thrown off balance. Being pushed and pulled in multiple directions from work and business demands to the call of your family and their needs to oh yeah, taking care of yourself in the process.

If you’re left feeling a bit wibbly wobbly, tired, drained, overwhelmed or just plain exhausted, you’re not alone. Especially in times like these, it’s even more important to take care of number one, because if you’re exhausted, you’re not much good to anybody else.

So what do you need to do for you? First you might start by letting go of the little voice in your head that says “but if you take time for yourself, you’re being selfish”. Think of taking care of yourself as “Self Management”. You probably spend all day managing an assortment of other things (schedules, co-workers, employees, kids etc.) so you might as well add yourself into the managing mix!

As you take the time to eat right, get some exercise to release the stress of the day and get enough sleep, the overwhelm and fog will subside from your mind and you’ll be able to approach all of life’s challenges with a fresh perspective. One that allows you to see possibilities and new ideas, where before you might have only seen a closed door or roadblock.

So here are a few questions to ask yourself to get on the road to “Self Management”:

What are you doing currently to take care of you? Exercising, eating healthy food, meditating, getting out into nature are just a few ways that will help you reconnect with yourself.

Do you have time carved out in your day that is just for you? If not, what would just 15 minutes of alone time each day do for your peace of mind and sense of self?

What things do you like to do that feed your mind, body or spirit? What hobbies, passions or curiosities can you explore to take you out of your “normal” operating mode and into another place within yourself?

As you learn how to “Self Manage” and take this time for yourself, you’re sure to stumble upon uncharted territories within yourself – vast landscapes of self-discovery just waiting for you to explore.

I’ve found that the more time I can spend within myself, the more I have to give outside of myself. All of which helps me expand what I can offer to my clients, enhances my creative thinking and problem solving abilities and enhances the overall success of my business.

Just when you think you don’t have anything left to give, start giving back to yourself first and see what arises from the mist…

To your success~

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