Talent Dynamics is the most comprehensive business development tool for accelerating Trust and Flow in the workplace, leading to dramatic and measurable results at an individual, team and organizational level.
If consumers trust you, your service, or your company, you will always have a position in the market: the higher the trust, the more transactions, the higher revenue.
Flow, on the other hand, is the natural effortless unfolding of our lives in a way that moves us towards wholeness and harmony. When we are in flow, things seem to naturally line up, events fall into place, obstacles melt away and enthusiasm abounds.
When a team builds Sustainable Trust, Value, Collaboration and Productivity increases because they’re operating from a place of Flow—creating a positive ripple effect in all directions. Individuals feel better about the work they’re doing and the contributions they are making to the team. The team performs more effectively and efficiently which enhances bottom line results and profitability!
When you take the Talent Dynamics Profile Assessment , you’ll gain valuable insights into your career and leadership style.
You Will:
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When you complete your Talent Dynamics Profile Assessment test, you’ll immediately receive your full Talent Dynamics Profile Report.
PLUS you’ll be able to schedule your 30-minute, Unlock Your Genius Session with Michele via phone or zoom.
This is ideal for you if you are thinking about career choices, advancement, and transition to self-employment, study or other change.
“Michele’s Leadership training was highly informative and inspiring!
Stressing positive leadership and motivation, Michele presented a range of emotional intelligence strategies, which helped me to empower and inspire my employees to work to their full potential. She also gave my management team a variety of skills for communicating more effectively with each other to enable our team to be their very best.
We have already put to good use the skills she taught us and are seeing positive results with the rest of our employees!
Thank you Michele!”
Elaine Rocha, General Manager, Costco
Your Talent Dynamics Profile
This shows you the most natural activities you should focus on to stay in flow.
Role Models Who Share Your Profile
Which famous role models you should study and learn from.
Your Strengths & Weaknesses
What gets you into your flow. What are distractions and what are opportunities.
How to Create Value Using Your Profile
How to channel your strengths in a way that the world responds favorably to.
Talent Frequency Breakdown
So you can see your balance of energy and understand why you do what you do.
The Value You Need to Own
How to take even small amounts of value and get it into the hands of many. Roles to increase or reduce to build greater trust and flow.
If you are the leader of a team we can also give you a team profile based upon the individual profiles within the team. This can help you assess where the holes are and identify the types of profiles you need for a particular role based on the people who are most successful at that role.
Talent Dynamics is all about using and concentrating on individual and team strengths, passion and natural talent. A team in flow is more productive. We have many activities and workshops to help a company achieve their goals.
A perfect two-hour introduction to Talent Dynamics and its potential to bring massive change to individuals, teams and organizations. Teams gain an in-depth understanding of team members’ strengths and operating styles, which can improve team dynamics and performance, unblock flow, and increase productivity. We’ll come to your office to conduct the session with you and your team.
Organizations can access profiling and customized programs for their staff and teams, which lead to increased revenue and profit through added value and leverage.
Personality testing and personality training is well understood by the corporate world as it has been using Myer-Briggs, Strength Finder and Disc profiling in one form or another for over 50 years. These profiling systems deliver reports that most agree with and personally find useful, however it can be difficult to measure clear financial returns.
The majority of profiling tests are based on Carl Jung’s work. Only Talent Dynamics uses the original unaltered source of Jung’s work as its base. This source is the 3,000 year old I-Ching (pronounced ee–ching), which interprets the eight profiles and their relationship with each other, giving a possible 64 different combinations.
Talent Dynamics shows you how to leverage your strength and add value to a team or enterprise, the roles you are and are not suited to, and the roles that will increase or destroy trust and flow.
Developed in the UK, Talent Dynamics has rapidly grown into one of the most widely adopted profiling system being implemented by companies and organizations to build trust and flow in their teams. The reason for the success of this system is that it links both your strengths and weaknesses to your preferences, and then gives you clear role models and strategies to follow. It takes the very best of what other profiling systems like MBTI, DISC and Strength Finder have and delivers to you a system that is intuitive, relevant and easy to explain to others, with clear financial returns.
The biggest point of difference between Talent Dynamics and the other profiling tools on the market today is this: Most profiling tools are great for building self awareness, leadership capability and EQ. Talent Dynamics combines these while also creating a direct link between individual, team and organizational performance levels. It creates immediate and fundamental changes within a team that allow them to speed up their productivity, results and momentum, which has a direct impact on financial results.
Performance Consultants have seen teams literally double their results in 6-12 months after a Talent Dynamics program. From a one-day program, we typically see teams generate strategies to add five-figure increases to their bottom line really quickly and easily.
They are also having more fun and feeling more connected to the organization than ever before! This is employee engagement in action.
The Talent Dynamics Profile Assessment and “Unlock Your Genius” session can:
Purchase your individual profile—Just $97 USD!
“Utilizing the Talent Dynamics Assessment, our entire team learned a lot of useful information about ourselves, each other and how to work together more effectively from our inherent talents. This is the beginning of a powerful and positive culture shift for our organization!”
Sharron Drake, Program Manager | Merriwether & Williams Insurance Services
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Get your copy of my eBook, “Do You Have Imposter Syndrome? – 6 Triggers Crushing Your Confidence.” Discover how imposter syndrome might just be the unconscious block in the way to your success. Along with tools, tips and fresh perspectives on how you can overcome it.