The Fear of Failure: How It Fuels Perfectionism and How to Break Free

Fear of failure & how to break free!

The Fear of Failure: How It Fuels Perfectionism and How to Break Free   In today’s fast-paced, results-driven world, the fear of failure is a common struggle that many of us face. This fear often goes hand in hand with perfectionism—a relentless pursuit of flawlessness that can lead to anxiety, stress, and a constant feeling […]

The Self-Sabotaging Trait That Looks Different In Women Than In Men

The Self-Sabotaging Professional Trait That Looks Different In Women Than In Men

In the pursuit of excellence, perfectionism looms as a double-edged sword. On top of being exhausting, it can also lead to self-sabotage in a professional context. As a professional trait, perfectionism looks different in women than men. It can drive ambition but can also lead to paralyzing self-doubt and stress. Let’s explore the intricate dynamics […]

The ‘Not Enough’ Myth: Cracking the Code

The Not Enough Myth: Cracking the Code

  Many of us carry a silent burden, an insidious whisper that we’re ‘not enough’. This Not Enough myth, this story we tell ourselves, can creep into our consciousness, impacting our professional performance, personal relationships, and how we view ourselves in the mirror each morning. But where does this feeling stem from, and more importantly, […]

What Are Your Habits of Mind?

Habits of Mind

Did you know that you have Habits of Mind…? Some are good habits, others not so much. 😕 These habits of mind lead to certain behaviors and results. Again, some positive, others, not so much. So, for example, one of my Habits of Mind looks like this: Sitting at my desk, I look out the […]

7 Steps to Achieve A State of Flow To Boost Your Well-being & Success

Finding your flow

7 Steps to Achieve A State of Flow To Boost Your Well-being & Success Remember the children’s song, “Row, row, row your boat GENTLY down the stream. Merrily, merrily merrily, life is but a dream.” Whoever first sang this was on to something! Little did we know how profound of a truth this actually is, […]

10 Practical Tips for Overcoming Perfectionism

10 Practical Tips for Overcoming Perfectinism

10 Practical Tips for Overcoming Perfectionism   Perfectionism, a relentless pursuit of flawlessness and an aversion to making mistakes, affects individuals from all walks of life. However, it is essential to recognize that perfectionism can manifest differently in men and women, often influenced by societal and cultural expectations. In my previous article, 8 Ways Toxic Perfectionism […]

Debunking The Myths About Hypnosis

Debunking the myths about hypnosis

I’m curious, what do you make up about hypnosis? Perhaps you’ll be made to say and do things without your recollection? Or you’ll experience a loss of control or willpower? Maybe you saw something in a movie or in a stage show that lead you to believe it’s dangerous or even scary? There seems to […]

The Art of Connection: Building Bridges to Ourselves and Others

In a world that is hyper connected these days, it’s an ironic twist that disconnection is creating an epidemic of loneliness.

The Art of Connection: Building Bridges to Ourselves and Others In a world that is hyper connected these days, it’s an ironic twist that many of us feel disconnected – from ourselves, our peers, and our communities. Humans by nature are social creatures and yet we are victims of our own making. Our collective genius […]

7 Ways to Cultivate Belonging & Self-Love

7 Ways to Cultivate Belonging article

7 Ways to Cultivate Belonging & Self-Love The Foundation of Well-Being The quest for belonging and self-love is a universal narrative that transcends age, culture, and geography. It’s the essence of our being, the quiet comfort that comes from knowing we are whole, just as we are. Yet, in the rush of our lives, especially in […]

7 Secrets for Self Acceptance (For You & Your Kids)

7 Keys To Self-Acceptance

7 Secrets for Self Acceptance and How They Can Transform Your Life In our pursuit of success and fulfillment, we often encounter the formidable barriers of self-doubt and lack of self acceptance. These inner challenges, if left unaddressed, can hamper our journey towards happiness and confidence. However, embracing certain principles can guide us towards a […]

Imposter Syndrome E-book pop-up

Get your copy of my eBook, “Do You Have Imposter Syndrome? – 6 Triggers Crushing Your Confidence.” Discover how imposter syndrome might just be the unconscious block in the way to your success. Along with tools, tips and fresh perspectives on how you can overcome it.