How to Rewire Your Brain to Become Immune to Impostor Syndrome!

So many of us battle impostor syndrome. Believe it or not, it’s especially common among people who have attained higher-level positions in their careers. Why do so many of us doubt ourselves despite our achievements? How can we overcome these feelings that hold us back? We spoke with Michele Molitor about how to identify the triggers that cause impostor syndrome and, moreover, how to rewire your brain to boost your confidence.

Michele Molitor is the founder and CEO of Nectar Consulting, Inc., and co-author of the best-selling book Breakthrough Healing. She works with executives and entrepreneurs bringing over 25 years of experience, intuitive insights, and strategic business savvy to your success. Michele’s unique Rapid Rewiring™ approach is a culmination of years of study in the realms of emotional intelligence, neuroscience, organizational psychology, and Rapid Transformational Therapy. She helps catalyze shifts in thinking and eliminate mental/emotional blocks to rapidly rewire your brain for greater confidence and success. A nationally recognized speaker, certified executive coach, organizational development consultant, trainer, hypnotherapist, and writer, Michele’s passion for helping you amplify your natural talents and expand your leadership is conveyed through all aspects of her work and writing.

We start our discussion with how Michele came to build Nectar Consulting and focus on impostor syndrome. As she describes, she had worked her way up in her career but then was faced with bullying and men who didn’t like working for her. Michele ended up losing her job, and this in turn led to her developing impostor syndrome. But eventually, Michele decided to turn that around – for herself and for others. She started Nectar Consulting and made it her mission to help others overcome impostor syndrome.

So what exactly is impostor syndrome, and how do you know if you have it? As Michele explains, impostor syndrome is feeling that you don’t deserve a seat at the table, like you’ll be found out as a fraud, like you’re not smart enough or good enough to be there. It brushes aside your accomplishments and evidence of your talent and replaces it with feelings that it’s all a charade or good luck. It makes you feel like you’re not as intelligent or worthy as people think you are, and it’s only a matter of time before others figure that out. If any of these symptoms ring true for you, you may have impostor syndrome.


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